New Possibilities

With our main focus on Digital Engineering we power great businesses, seamlessly replacing traditional service strategies with greater speed and value

    Some brands we have worked with
    • Frimps
    • Loyalty
    • GTBank
    • Vroofi
    • EzCredit
    • FirstAllied

    Engboxx CollPay®


    A few minutes a few button clicks and an email confirmation. That’s all it takes to set up your managed Engboxx CollPay platform. With our proprietary Collections and Payments Solution, businesses can receive payments via Cash, Cheques, Visa, MasterCard & all mobile wallets.


    We also partner Banks, Merchants and Agents to process and monitor transactions and bookings via a secure online solution in real time. API Integrations are also possible depending on the partner's systems.

    View CollPay®

    New Possibilities

    A community of young and disruptive-thinking individuals whose resolution is to pioneer a renaissance of software engineering, development and delivery.

    • Information & Data Analytics

    • Risk Management Solutions

    • Enterprise Resource Planners

    • Bespoke Software Implementation

    Why choose Engboxx?

    Co-operation with our clients is more important to us than negotiating contracts and we will always choose fast reactions to change over blinkered fulfilment of pre-determined plans.

    Also, to us, Algorithms & Engines Matter. We always strive to find better ways to solving problems.


    “Perhaps the most important principle for a good algorithm designer, is to refuse to be content.”

    Alfred V. Aho

    Researcher of Programming Languages

    Benefits Of Engboxx

    Save time and money

    Save time and money

    Setting up, deploying, and running a Collections Solution should not take you months. With us, you can accomplish all of this in minutes.
    Refocus on your core business

    Refocus on your core business

    With our unparalleled skill-set and expertise in developing world-class technologies, you can now redirect your focus more on engaging your customers
    Increase your operational efficiency

    Increase your operational efficiency

    As your technology partner, you can get multiple services from one vendor. Where you once had to manage multiple vendor relationships, you can now focus on one.

    Our Core Values


    Our business processes and products should be classified by our clients as being at par with the best.


    We simply follow through with what we say all the time. We mean what we say and say what we mean.


    We manage expectations better, always meet the promises we make and consistent with our word.


    is to become the first point of call for businesses where and when world-class software technologies are been sought.